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We are told we can be anything. Well, hopefully, we are. But what happens between then (when we believed it) and now, when we are in various situations that may or may not be up to our potential. The most talented, hard working dedicated people I know are still looking for work or in jobs that enable them to scrape by.

What happened to the greatness within? How can we inspire it in our children when we may not living it for ourselves? I get it; not everyone can afford to get the education they may need or have the talent for a specific thing that have the heart is set upon. But we need to find the greatness even in small things. I know it may sound trivial, but really. What is your passion? What right now makes you happy?

Sharing my love of cooking with my son is my little bit of hope for his bright future. I look forward to hours upon hours of learning and sharing and laughing. It is easy to make mistakes in baking/cooking, even when you follow a specific recipe. You have to keep trying. As you become more adept at it, you can begin to alter recipes, ingredients, timing, heat, etc., to fit your needs. Before you know it, there you are cooking with your heart and experiencing the best food for your favorite persons.

The great Theodore Roosevelt invites us to "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have." Likewise, in recent years, a personal favorite of mine-Joseph B Wirthlin- beckons us to appreciate and live abundantly regardless of our situations. "Come what may and love it."

Image from

LJ, DW &

Jax (not pictured)

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